Welcome to the online public consultation for the proposed residential development of land at Hill Farm in Peterborough by Hannafin Group.
Hannafin Group propose the development of the south and west of their land at Hill Farm for approximately 300 dwellings, including the provision of a new vehicular access from Guntons Road, internal roads and car parking, landscaping, drainage, public open space including a linear park along the Car Dyke and improved connectivity to existing and proposed residential areas of Peterborough to the south.
The aim of this consultation is to provide you with information regarding the development proposals at Hill Farm and to allow you the opportunity to provide your comments on the scheme.
Design and technical work relating to the proposals is ongoing and the information presented here may be subject to change to address this ongoing work and any issues raised through the consultation, where this is appropriate.
The Site
The site is approximately 17.29 hectares of arable farmland adjoining the northeastern edge of the main urban area of Peterborough. The application site forms part of the larger Hill Farm holding, extending to a total of 68.7 hectares.
The proposal site is bound by Guntons Road/Newborough Road to the west and the A16 to the east. The Car Dyke Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) defines the entire length of the southern boundary of the site.
Further to the south of the site is land subject to an application for significant new development (19/00272/OUT and 23/00483/OUT) comprising the erection of 2,000 dwellings, a primary school and playing field, open space and landscaping and community facilities. This site is allocated as the Norwood urban extension under site reference LP35.6 within the adopted Local Plan.
The site generally slopes from the south to north. The highest elevation is approximately 5.9mAOD situated in the in the southwest corner of the Site. The lowest elevation is approximately -0.5mAOD to the north of the Site.
The proposal site falls entirely within Flood Zone 1 and does not contain any areas of surface water flood risk.
Hannafin Group considers that the land at Hill Farm offers an ideal opportunity to deliver a high quality, attractive and well-integrated new neighbourhood, which forms a natural and logical extension to Peterborough and the recently developed areas of the City and connects well with the existing urban extensions of Paston Reserve and Norwood immediately to the south.
An outline planning application will be submitted to Peterborough City Council, with the following proposed description of development. All details except access will be approved at Reserved Matters Stage.
“Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of up to 300 dwellings, removal of the existing agricultural reservoir, creation of a new vehicular access from Guntons Road, internal roads and car parking, provision of public open space including a linear park area, landscaping, SUDs attenuation ponds and drainage systems and other associated infrastructure”
The currently proposed illustrative site layout is included below and comprises the following:
Scheme Benefits

Provision of 30% policy complaint levels of affordable housing

Delivery of up to 300 dwellings comprising a mix of one, two, three and four bedroom houses, bungalows and apartments.

Generating additional expenditure in the local area to support facilities

​Supporting construction jobs during the build period

An area of additional planting to the north to provide screening for the proposed development and potential for in excess of 10% mandatory biodiversity net gain

A network of drainage attenuation basins

2.9 ha of public open space provision and biodiversity enhancements within the red line boundary, including a linear park, natural ponds and local play area

The green linear park provides a minimum
20-metre-wide buffer zone along the Car Dyke which will include footpaths, cycleways, biodiversity enhancements and interpretation of the Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM)
Technical Considerations
The following technical matters are being assessed as part of the proposed development and detailed plans, surveys and reports will be submitted in support of the planning application.
Have Your Say
Thank you for reviewing the initial proposals for this development.
The deadline for comments has now passed.

An analysis of the feedback received and any changes to the scheme will be reported in the Statement of Community Involvement, which will be submitted as part of the planning application. Your feedback will be used by Lichfields (planning consultant to Hannafin Group) and Hannafin Group solely for the purpose of this consultation exercise.
It is important to note that this exercise is entirely separate from the statutory consultation that Peterborough City Council may conduct once the planning application has been submitted. The current process will not preclude you from making future comments and should you wish to do so, you may make further comments at that stage, for consideration by the Council.
Non-identifiable data will be submitted, along with the planning application, to the Local Planning Authority. Your details will be held securely by both companies in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Any comments received at this stage will be treated confidentially and no individual will be identified.